By Gary Williams
This is the beginning of your education in NEW YORK STATE PLATES. To accommodate slow Internet connections and to speed up the loading of these pages, only 10 buckles will be displayed per page. Please click on the "Page" link to change pages. The plates listed with "Plate Numbers" are the actual Plate Numbers listed in "American Military Belt Plates" by Michael J. O'Donnell & J. Duncan Campbell. Use the photos of the original plates listed in the book to compare the differences in the repros listed here.
Photo # USNY1
Plate 668 (1861-1863 New York Sword Belt Plate.) 47 x 81mm. Marked GW.
Charles Burnette has the original that I copied. This is one of the very first
sword belt plates I cast a pattern from. The reproduction is a very close copy
and the one pictured has the applied hook just as the original. Mostly I cast
the hook and they should not be a problem. If I apply the hook it is a lot
thicker than the original hook. This reproduction is one to two mm's smaller
than the original.
Photo # USNY2
Plate 258 (1855-1861 Artillery State of New York Two Piece Belt Plate) 52
x 75mm. Marked GW. Original used as the master pattern. This reproduction is a
close copy but if you note it has a flaw easy to see. The Y is crooked. Also,
there are other casting flaws that you can use for a reference. I use the
original for a pattern so it will only be one mm smaller.
Photo # USNY3
Plate 673. (1860 New York Sword Belt Plate.) 50 x 76mm. Marked GW.
Original is in the John Bracken collection. The hook on the original is applied
and my reproduction has a solid cast hook. The reproduction pictured has an
applied hook and close to the original Reproduction. Also, it is 2 mm's smaller
and lacks the silver plate on the wreath and letters. The original was pressed
in a metal die and my reproduction is sand cast. Find a casting flaw for your
Photo # USNY4
Plate 667 variant. (1861-1863 New York Sword Belt Plate.) 48x81mm. Marked
GW. Original is in the John Duggan collection. The original had a long thin
applied hook. I cast my hook solid to the plate and it looks like the original
except has sand texture. Sometimes the customer wants the hook applied and the
reproduction pictured has the applied hook. If this belt plate is faked this is
the type used. 2 mm's smaller than the original.