The Civil War Relicman,
Harry Ridgeway.

Winchester, Virginia USA (changed hands 70 times in the Civil War!).
authentic Civil War relics.

Ridgeway Reference Archive, Civil War relics.
Identified Items.

This is the "Ridgeway Reference Archive", a research tool for educational purposes only, and is provided at no cost to the reader.   Some of the relics listed are retained in the author's collection, most reside in other collections and are not owned by the author.  None of the items listed in this section are for sale, please refer to sales listings for items offered for sale.  This is a work in progress, I list items as I get to them, there are many patterns that are not listed yet, this list will be regularly updated as I get pictures and descriptions for more items.  I will also correct mistakes, so if you see any please tell me.
All items listed are believed to be original and authentic to the Civil War or as otherwise described.
Any excavated relics have been recovered from private property with owners permission.
Any artillery or ordnance relics have been disarmed and rendered safe.
Any weapons are pre 1898 antique weapons, and are exempt from Federal regulation, no licenses or permits are required.

This information is available for research purposes, pictures may be used by permission only.

M0652     Stencil, Wilber Allen Co H NY 2nd Heavy Artillery.
Marked:  "Wilber Allen / Co H 2 NY Art" Private Wilber Allen enlisted 1/16/64 and mustered out after the surrender 6/2/65.  As an artillerist, this battery was engaged in many of the major battles of 1864, including Wilderness, where this stencil was lost.   Recovered: Wilderness, Virginia.

M0092    Seth Bennett, Indiana 11th Infantry, Co G.
Silver ring: "S. BENNETT. CO. G. 11. IND. V. V. ***** " He enlisted March 31, 1864. He contracted chronic diarrhea at Ft. McHenry, in Maryland, June 1, 1865 He was discharged July 26, 1865 and received a government disability pension due to the diarrhea. He died March 22, 1903. This ring was lost at Third Battle of Winchester, Va at the site of the bloodiest cavalry battle. The contemporary account described the carnage as so great that one could walk across the field and not touch soil. Sure enough the archaeological evidence fully supported this, horseshoes were found by the thousands from the dead horses left to rot and stink. It must have been a horrible experience which no doubt Private Bennett remembered for the rest of his life. 
Found Third Battle of Winchester, by Harry Ridgeway.
Old Courthouse Civil War Museum collection.

M0653    Henry C. A. Bornemann 20th Mass Infantry, Co B 
Brass stencil: "A. BORNEMANN, / 20th MASS. VOLS. " Private Henry A. C. Bornemann enlisted 4/1/64 was released 4/22/65, He was shown missing at Battle fo Wilderness 5/6/64, which is where this stencil was found. 
Recovered:  Wilderness Virginia, by Charlie Cline.
Old Courthouse Civil War Museum collection.

M0732     Identification pin Cornelius W Chamberlin Co B NH 10th Inf.
Marked: "CW CHAMBERLIN/ CO B / 10TH REGT/ NHV/ HASHUA" obverse is eagle "War of 1861 / United States" Private Chamberlin mustered in August 25, 1862, was wounded 10/1/1864 Fort Harrison Va, this unit had a distinguished record, in the Virginia 1863 and 1864 campaigns. Private Chamberlin was promoted to Corporal April 1, 1863. This pin was apparently purchased during the period that the regiment was organized, it was found in Lovettsville Va, while the regiment was enroute to Fredericksburg in 1862.
Recovered: Lovettsville, Virginia by Ed Barber.

M0695     Identification badge William Dennin Co A 84th NY Infantry.
Construction is brass with gold gilding.  Marked: " Wm. H Dennin / Co A / 84 Reg. / NYSM / Brooklyn, NY" Other side is bust of Mclellan The 84th New York Infantry had a distinguished record, including First Mannassas, Gettysburg, and Wilderness campaign, where this tag was found.
Recovered: Culpepper Virginia, winter camp 1863 / 1864 before the Wilderness campaign.

M0980     Diary of David Hicks, 13th Mass Infantry Co B.  Period covers 1862 and 1863, his name is inscribed on the walls of the Old Court House in Winchester and is prominently preserved as part of the museum exhibit.  Hicks apparently took residence in the courthouse briefly following Kernstown march 1862 serving as provost guard for the occupying force.
Old Court House Civil War Museum.

M0090    Seth Hill, New York 153rd Infantry, Co H.
White metal disc: "S.HILL / CORPL / CO H / 153 N.Y. / WAR of 1861 / S.V. / GREENFIELD, N.Y." Reverse: George Washington / Born Feb 22, 1752", bust of Washington, "MERRIAN" who may be the sutler. Seth Hill enlisted August 13, 1862. He got sick May 20, 1864 and returned to the field middle of October 1864, just in time for the Battle of Cedar Creek on October 18, 1864 He survived the battle and was discharged October 2, 1865 He received disability pension for diarrhea in 1891. He died May 30, 1930 
Recovered:  Battle of Cedar Creek, near the trench line, by Harry Ridgeway.
Old Courthouse Civil War Museum collection.

M0094    Robert Lucas, New York, 1st Cavalry, Co K.
Brass disc: "ROBERT LUCAS / CO. K. / 1st. VET. CAV. / N.Y.S.V. / WATERLOO. N. Y.", reverse: " MAJOR GENERAL. GEO. B. MCCLELLAN / WAR OF 1861", bust of McClellan. The regiment was engaged in a small action at Leetown, Va on July 3, 1864, when this disc was lost. 
Picture of Private Lucas from CW Data base, he is wearing this ID badge! 
Found Middleway, WV (one mile from Leetown), by Steve Baker.
Old Courthouse Civil War Museum collection.

M0656    Edward Smith, New York 21st Cavalry, Co F 
Brass disc: "EDWARD SMITH / CO. F / 21th N.Y. / CAV. / W. TROY. N.Y.", reverse: "MAJOR GENERAL GEO. B. MCCLELLEN / WAR OF 1861", bust of McClellan Private Smith enlisted 7/9/63, mustered in 9/18/63 and deserted after the Civil War in Kansas. Using Halltown Va as a base of operations, they engaged in hard Shenandoah Valley campaigning from January 1864 to August 1864, participating in the Battle of New Market, burning of VMI, Lynchburg, Second Kernstown, and many other smaller engagements. The camp at Halltown was used actively in November to January 1864, and again in August 1864, this id badge could have been lost there either time.   Recovered:  Halltown Va (now WV), by Ed Barber.
Old Courthouse Civil War Museum collection.

M0651    Spears J Titus, Vermont 6th Infantry. Co B.
 Brass disc: "S. J TITUS / CO. B. / 6. / RRG. / VT. VOL. / WEST FAIRLEE. ", reverse: "WAR OF 1861 / eagle / UNITED STATES" Private Titus enlisted 9/30/61, he fought the full struggle, mustered out after the surrender, 6/26/65. After Gettysburg the regiment was active in the pursuit of the retreating Rebel forces, campaigning in Maryland. The regiment fought valiantly at Funkstown Maryland, July 10, 1863, The ID pin was found west of Boonsboro MD which is a short distance from Funkstown and was probably lost during this period. Special museum note: This is the same action that Major Pope (8th NY Cavalry) was captured, Pope's name is scratched on the courthouse wall!  This unit was also engaged at Brandy Station, November 7, 1863 when Robert Bell was killed (diary on display). 
Recovered:  Funkstown, Maryland, by Charlie Cline.
Old Courthouse Civil War Museum collection.

M0091    Aaron Underwood, US 1st Cavalry, Co G.
Brass disc: "AARON D. UNDERWOOD / CO. G / 1ST.. US. / CAV. ", reverse:" MAJ. G. B. MC. CELLAN, / * PENINSULA CAMPAIGN * " bust of McClellan.  Private Underwood was engaged in the climatic Battle of Cedar Creek October 18, 1864. He continued service after the war and deserted in Kansas July 28, 1866.
Recovered:  Battle of Cedar Creek, Virginia, near the Heater House by Harry Ridgeway.
Old Courthouse Civil War Museum collection.