Ridgeway Civil War Research Center
A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War
Civil War Plates and Buckles

by Harry Ridgeway

NC oval
Research Center: Plate5499-NorthCarolina-338-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION .

Details click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate5499-NorthCarolina-338-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION.html

P3263 ###
F1263 North Carolina oval buckleSource: this buckle was submitted to me for second opinion. The person who sent me the pictures had already condemned the buckle.Editor note: I told my source that I agreed with his diagnosis. I think this may be a die stamped plate, but the die is not quite right and the hooks are not right either. This pattern had stud hooks, but if you look at the example in Mullinax book, these hooks are close but not close enough.
Research Center: Plate5499-NorthCarolina-338-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION . P3263 F1263 Picture only submitted.

P2886 ### Hanover Brass repro: North Carolina Oval Belt Plate.
This is an example of Hanover Brass commercial grade reproduction, the plate has been produced in quantity, sold to the living history market, and is generally readily available. The product has also been used as feedstock for fakes, with chemical aging and other alterations. Gary Williams has provided the following pictures and explanation:
Photo # CSNC11 Plate 338 (1861-1865 Oval North Carolina Belt Plate.) 54 x 87mm's. The original had different type hook and knobs. The knob on the original was flat and lead filled. My knobs are cast and soldered to the back. GW was stamped into the top of the knob. The front hook on my reproduction was cast to the plate. Back was cleaned and solder or lead coated to the flat surface. Look for brass spots and check the edge for lead above the oval edge of the plate. The original will have dents around the edge. My reproduction has to be hit hard to make a dent and look at this for a flaw. Remember that the lead id thin coat on the back not lead filled as the original. I cast fifty of these NC reproductions in 1982. This reproduction is in the Charles Burnette collection.Plate9182-Hanover-Ohio Plates
By Gary Williams.
Plate9182 Hanover-Ohio Plates Details click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate9182.html.All information this page: civilwarfakes.com.
Research Center: Plate5499-NorthCarolina-000-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION . Photo # CSNC11 civilwarfakes com

P2991 ###
P2991 ### NC oval SS Firearms SS Firearms advertisement: Part Number: BB26 NORTH CAROLINA BELT PLATE (NC). Die Stamped Brass, 3 Prongs for Attaching to Belt. Lead Filled, Reproduction. Part Number: BB27 NORTH CAROLINA CARTRIDGE BOX PLATE (NC). Die Stamped Brass, 2 Loops For Cartridge Box Flap. Lead Filled, Reproduction.
Research Center: Plate5499-NorthCarolina-338-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION . SS Firearms

P3103 ###
F1103 North Carolina oval Belt BucklePictures of this plate were submitted to me for evaluation with the following comment: I have just bought a buckle N.C and a friend said it is not real could you please clear this up for me? I paid a lot of money for this buckle as it is very rare. Thank you for any help you can give me. I am sorry for not being an expert on this my self but from what I can tell the hooks are soldered on and coated. It is 3 1/4 long and 2 1/8 wide. Hope you can solve this for me. Thanks again for your help. Source: question posed by ButchMy response: My opinion is that this buckle is reproduction. The original North Carolina plates were stamped, then lead filled. This plate appears to be a cast copy, some sort of coating is parged onto the back to appear to be lead. The hooks appear to have been cast into the buckle.After telling Mr Butch that his piece was a fantasy, he listed it on ebay anyway:ATTENTION: You are bidding on a real nice North Carolina belt buckle. This is a Confederate Buckle and was Dug. It is an oval and in great shape, even has the lead still in it. All Item's are consigned to us by a local Estate to sell. Please check out my other auction's as I am adding new item's evey day. Thanks for your interest and have a good day.Source: ebay auction by butch4753 5/28/06, Original N. C. Belt Buckle Item number: 6631735383
Research Center: Plate5499-NorthCarolina-338-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION . P3103 F1103 Picture only submitted.

P3391 ###
P3391 ### (F1391) ### ND two-part
Research Center: Plate5499-NorthCarolina-338-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION . P3391 F1391 Picture only submitted.

P3397 ###
P3397 ### (F1397) ### NC oval
Research Center: Plate5499-NorthCarolina-338-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION . P3397 F1397 Picture only submitted.

This is the "Ridgeway Civil War Research Center", a research tool for educational purposes only, and is provided at no cost to the reader. Some of the relics listed are retained in the author's collection, most reside in other collections and are not owned by the author. None of the items listed in this section are for sale, please refer to relicman.com sales listings for items offered for sale. This is a work in progress, I list items as I get to them, there are many patterns that are not listed yet, this list will be regularly updated as I get pictures and descriptions for more items. I will also correct mistakes, so if you see any please tell me. All items listed are believed to be authentic to the Civil War or as otherwise described. Any excavated relics have been recovered from private property with owners permission.This information is available for research purposes, pictures may be used by permission only.

Most information on this page is from:
Plates and Buckles of the American Military 1795 - 1874, by Sydney C. Kerksis.
Confederate Belt Buckles & Plates, by Steve E Mullinax.
American Military Belt Plates, by Michael J. O'Donnell & J.Duncan Campbell.

Ridgeway Civil War Research Center,
A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War
Plates and buckles
Research center, plates, click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate0000-Index.html.

Research center, plates and buckles, click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate0000-Index.html.

and now a word from our sponsor.....

Civil War Relicman, Harry Ridgeway,
Civil War plates and buckles, Relicman sales catalog.
Sale listings click: http://relicman.com/plates/Relicman-Sales-Plate0000.html.

Sale listings click: http://relicman.com/plates/Relicman-Sales-Plate0000.html.