Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War |
Civil War Artillery | |
by Harry Ridgeway |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, proof shot, smoothbore 32 pounder, 6.4 in. Double shot was used to test the 32 pounders before they left the foundry. This "barbell" weighs 64 pounds and is shaped like two cannon balls double loaded. If the gun survived test firing with this shot then it was ready for the field. Projectile measures: diameter 6.36in., length 11in. (excluding fuze), weight 64lb. Recovered: West Point test range. Research Center: Artillery1551-Ball32pdr, Ref: Bell Heavy Ordnance, pg. 47. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1551-Ball32pdr.html. |
Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War. Artillery Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html. Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html. |
Civil War Relicman, Harry Ridgeway, Civil War artillery, Relicman sales catalog. Click here: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html. Artillery for sale: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html. |