Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War |
Civil War Artillery | |
by Harry Ridgeway |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, solid shot, smoothbore 42 pounder, 7 in. Projectile was manufactured in the Federal arsenals for the 42 pounder smoothbore. The 42 pounder saw limited use as a smoothbore, cannons of this caliber were mostly converted to rifle by the Civil War. Use of these balls were limited to early battles until supplies ran out, use was limited. Projectile measures: diameter 6.9in., weight 42lbs. Research Center: Artillery1611-Ball42pdr, Ref: Bell Heavy Ordnance, pg. 52. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1611-Ball42pdr.html. |
Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War. Artillery Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html. Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html. |
Civil War Relicman, Harry Ridgeway, Civil War artillery, Relicman sales catalog. Click here: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html. Artillery for sale: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html. |