Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War |
Civil War Artillery | |
by Harry Ridgeway |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, bursting shell, Confederate seacoast watercap fuze, smoothbore 42 pounder, 7 in. Projectile was manufactured in the Federal arsenals for the 42 pounder smoothbore. The 42 pounder saw limited use as a smoothbore, cannons of this caliber were mostly converted to rifle by the Civil War. Apparently the Confederates attempted to utilize some stocks of them by fitting a seacoast watercap fuze. Fuze employed was the Confederate drive in seacoast watercap fuze, with wood sleeve, diameter .6in., Jones pg. 8 . Projectile measures, diameter 6.85in., weight 30lbs. Research Center: Artillery1651-Ball42pdr, Ref: Bell Heavy Ordnance, pg. 53. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1651-Ball42pdr.html. |
Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War. Artillery Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html. Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html. |
Civil War Relicman, Harry Ridgeway, Civil War artillery, Relicman sales catalog. Click here: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html. Artillery for sale: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html. |