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Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War |
Civil War Artillery | |
by Harry Ridgeway |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, 8 in. Research Center: Artillery1700-Ball8in, Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1700-Ball8in.html. |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, solid shot, Columbiad smoothbore, 8 in. Projectile was manufactured in the Federal arsenals for the Columbiad seige gun. This was a heavy smoothbore and the firing subjected the balls to considerable stress, this solid shot was heavier than the shells and was designed for maximum damage against enemy equipment, however its use was very limited, and may have been only used for stress testing. Projectile measures: diameter 7.9in., weight 60lbs. Research Center: Artillery1711-Ball8in, Ref: Bell Heavy Ordnance, pg. 54. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1711-Ball8in.html. |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, bursting shell, thick walled, with lifting ears, drive in seacoast watercap fuze, Columbiad smoothbore, 8 in. Projectile was manufactured in the Federal arsenals for the Columbiad seige gun. This was a heavy smoothbore and the firing subjected the balls to considerable stress, consequently the walls are thick, approximately 2.3in. at the fuze hole, and the shell is heavier than a mortar. Lifting ears can be on either type of shell. Fuze employed was a drive in seacoast watercap fuze, opening 1.35in. at surface, shell is cast for a smooth tapered fuze hole , Jones pg. 6. Projectile measures: diameter 7.9in., weight 50lbs. Research Center: Artillery1721-Ball8in, Ref: Bell Heavy Ordnance, pg. 54. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1721-Ball8in.html. |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, bursting shell, thick walled, with lifting ears, wood fuze or drive in seacoast watercap fuze, Columbiad smoothbore, 8 in. Projectile was manufactured in the Federal or Confederate arsenals for the Columbiad seige gun. This was a heavy smoothbore and the firing subjected the balls to considerable stress, consequently the walls are thick, approximately 2.3in. at the fuze hole, and the shell is heavier than a mortar. Lifting ears can be on either type of shell. Fuze employed was a drive in seacoast watercap fuze, opening 1.35in. at surface, shell is cast for a smooth tapered fuze hole capable of receiving any type of drive in fuze including a wood fuze, Jones pg. 6. Projectile measures: diameter 7.9in., weight 50lbs. Research Center: Artillery1722-Ball8in, Ref: Bell Heavy Ordnance, pg. 54. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1722-Ball8in.html. |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, bursting shell, thick walled, without lifting ears, wood fuze or drive in seacoast watercap fuze, Columbiad smoothbore, 8 in. Projectile was manufactured in the Federal or Confederate arsenals for the Columbiad seige gun. This was a heavy smoothbore and the firing subjected the balls to considerable stress, consequently the walls are thick, approximately 2.3in. at the fuze hole, and the shell is heavier than a mortar. Lifting ears can be on either type of shell. Fuze employed was a drive in seacoast watercap fuze, opening 1.35in. at surface, shell is cast for a smooth tapered fuze hole capable of receiving any type of drive in fuze including a wood fuze, Jones pg. 6. Projectile measures: diameter 7.9in., weight 50lbs. Research Center: Artillery1723-Ball8in, Ref: Bell Heavy Ordnance, pg. 54. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1723-Ball8in.html. |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, bursting shell, thick walled, no lifting ears, non-threaded fuze with small opening, likely Confederate, Columbiad smoothbore, 8 in. Projectile was manufactured in the Federal arsenals for the Columbiad seige gun. This was a heavy smoothbore and the firing subjected the balls to considerable stress, consequently the walls are thick, 2.3in. at the fuze hole, and the shell is heavier than a mortar. Lifting ears can be on either type of shell, this pattern does not have ears. Cast for a non-threaded wood fuze or seacoast drive in fuze, opening .95 to 1.05in. at surface, the small opening may be indication of Confederate manufacture. Projectile measures: diameter 7.9in., weight 50lbs. Research Center: Artillery1724-Ball8in, Ref: Bell Heavy Ordnance, pg. 54. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1724-Ball8in.html. |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, bursting shell, thin walled mortar with lifting ears, wood fuze with 1.25in. opening, smoothbore mortar, 8in. Projectile was manufactured in the Federal arsenals for the heavy mortars. Designed for siege operations, these guns were designed to send a projectile on a high trajectory into the enemy trench. Depth of the fuze hole is approximately 1.5in., this is much lighter than the Columbiad seige gun. Many were cast with tong or lifting ears for lifting into a mortar. Fuze employed was a wood time fuze, Jones Fuzes pg. 2, fuze hole is smooth and tapered, the simple to make fuze could easily be hammered into place, larger opening, 1.25in. for a mortar. Projectile measures: diameter 7.9in., weight 45lbs. Research Center: Artillery1751-Ball8in, Ref: Bell, Heavy Ordnance, pg. 55. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1751-Ball8in.html. |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, bursting shell, thin walled mortar with lifting ears, wood fuze with 1.25in. opening, likely Confederate manufacture, smoothbore mortar, 8in. Projectile was manufactured in the Confederate arsenals for the heavy mortars. This pattern is likely Confederate based on the unusual shape of the tong holes, the hole is wide. Designed for siege operations, these guns were designed to send a projectile on a high trajectory into the enemy trench. Depth of the fuze hole is approximately 1.5in., this is much lighter than the Columbiad seige gun. Many were cast with tong or lifting ears for lifting into a mortar. Fuze employed was a wood time fuze, Jones Fuzes pg. 2, fuze hole is smooth and tapered, the simple to make fuze could easily be hammered into place, larger opening, 1.25in. for a mortar. Projectile measures: diameter 7.9in., weight 45lbs. Research Center: Artillery1752-Ball8in, Ref: Bell, Heavy Ordnance, pg. 57. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1752-Ball8in.html. |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, bursting shell, thin walled mortar with lifting ears, Bormann fuze, smoothbore, 8in. Projectile was manufactured in the Federal arsenals for the heavy mortars. Designed for siege operations, these guns were designed to send a projectile on a high trajectory into the enemy trench. This ball was intended to be filled with case shot balls, the thickness of the casing is reduced from other mortars. Fuze employed was a Federal Bormann time fuze , with single slot, (Jones pg. 22) . Projectile measures: diameter 7.9in., weight 45lbs. Research Center: Artillery1761-Ball8in, Ref: Bell, Heavy Ordnance, pg. 55. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1761-Ball8in.html. |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, bursting shell, Confederate incendiary, Confederate incendiary fuze, smoothbore, 8in. This was a Confederate innovation, an attempt to create a shell that would spread fire once delivered to the target. The bursting charge was contained in an inner can, the cavity was filled with a liquid incendiary mixture. The inner fuze is a captured Navy watercap fuze. There are two spanner holes, the other holes are drilled through the entire fuze. There would have been an outer covering, now missing. Superb example of this rare shell. Projectile measures: diameter in., length 7.9in. (excluding fuze), weight 50lb. Projectile measures: diameter 7.9in., weight 45lbs. Research Center: Artillery1771-Ball8in, Ref: Bell, Heavy Ordnance, pg. 58. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery1771-Ball8in.html. |
A0476.1. Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, 8 in., fragments. Fragment weighs 5lb. |
Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War. Artillery Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html. Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html. |
Civil War Relicman, Harry Ridgeway, Civil War artillery, Relicman sales catalog. Click here: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html. Artillery for sale: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html. |