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Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War |
Civil War Artillery | |
by Harry Ridgeway |
Smoothbore artillery projectile, spherical ball, bursting shell, thick walled, single fuzed Navy watercap time fuze, Rodman smoothbore gun, 15 in. Projectile was manufactured in the Federal arsenals for the 15 inch Rodman, the heaviest of the smoothbores, and was used as the main gun on the monitor class of ironclads. There were several of them built, these ships with their ironclad protection would move close to the target delivering these heavy balls to degrade the dug in defending fortifications. Fuze employed was a single Federal Navy watercap fuze , "ORD. D (anchor) / (date) " , Jones pg. 10 . Projectile measures: diameter 14.85in., weighs about 330 pounds. Research Center: Artillery2222-Ball15in, Ref: Bell , Heavy Ordnance, pg. 87. Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery2222-Ball15in.html. |
Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War. Artillery Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html. Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html. |
Civil War Relicman, Harry Ridgeway, Civil War artillery, Relicman sales catalog. Click here: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html. Artillery for sale: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html. |