Ridgeway Civil War Research Center,
A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War

Civil War Artillery
by Harry Ridgeway

Research Center: Artillery4200-Harding
Rifled artillery projectile, Harding design
Research Center: Artillery4200-Harding

Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery4200-Harding.html.

Research Center: Artillery4210-Harding, 6.4in.
Weapons used:
Rifled 32 pounder gun, 6.4in. Caliber of the gun is 6.4in., 7 grooves, projectile diameter should measure 6.3in. approximately, variations will be found.
Confederate rifled 32 pounder gun, 6.4in. Caliber of the gun is 6.4in., 5 grooves, projectile diameter should measure 6.3in. approximately, variations will be found.
Confederate rifled 32 pounder gun, 6.4in. Caliber of the gun is 6.4in., 10 grooves, projectile diameter should measure 6.3in. approximately, variations will be found.
Confederate rifled 32 pounder gun, 6.4in. Caliber of the gun is 6.4in., 13 grooves, projectile diameter should measure 6.3in. approximately, variations will be found.

Research Center: Artillery4211-Harding
Rifled artillery projectile, Harding design, Confederate manufacture, hollow shot bolt, copper ring sabot, Confederate rifled 32 pounder, 6.4in.
Projectile is Confederate manufacture, apparently following the design of "Harding", although at this point we really do not know who this designer was. The Harding sabot is very similar to the Federal Parrott sabots, it is a copper ring cast onto the shell and secured by notches. Shells are short and appear to have been manufactured for use in 32 pounder smoothbores, reconditioned and banded with rifling. Bolt has smooth sides, a hollow core perhaps to achieve greater velocity in short range engagements, flat nose. The inner core, usually left empty, was plugged with a threaded plug on the bottom. All recoveries have been from Charleston, South Carolina, attack of the Dia Ching in January 1865. Projectile measures: diameter 6.3in., length 11.5in., weight 49lbs, approximate (core is hollow).
Research Center: Artillery4211-Harding, Ref: Bell, Heavy Ordnance, pg. 228.
Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery4211-Harding.html.

Research Center: Artillery4212-Harding
Rifled artillery projectile, Harding design, Confederate manufacture, bursting shell, Girardey wood percussion fuze, copper ring sabot, Confederate rifled 32 pounder, 6.4in.
Projectile is Confederate manufacture, apparently following the design of "Harding", although at this point we really do not know who this designer was. The Harding sabot is very similar to the Federal Parrott sabots, it is a copper ring cast onto the shell and secured by notches. Shells are short and appear to have been manufactured for use in 32 pounder smoothbores, reconditioned and banded with rifling. Bolt has smooth sides, pointed nose. Fuze employed was a wood sleeved Girardey percussion fuze, Jones pg. 66, usually only the wood sleeve is recovered. All recoveries have been from Charleston, South Carolina. Projectile measures: diameter 6.3in., length 11in., weight 51lbs.
Research Center: Artillery4212-Harding, Ref: Bell, Heavy Ordnance, pg. 230.

Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery4212-Harding.html.

Rifled artillery projectile, Harding design, 6.4in., fragments.
A1123...Rifled artillery projectile, Harding design, 6.4in.,fragment of base
fragment of base, showing fired sabot and bottom. Recovered: Charleston SC, only known site for this pattern.

A3132...Rifled artillery projectile, Harding design, 6.4in.,ground burst.
All of these fragments were found in one hole on Long Island, Charleston SC. This was Federal battery, the seige lasted for a couple of months, neither side gained an advantage and eventually the seige was ended more or less with a draw. Long Island, a local name, has been the subject of several development efforts over the years, at this point there is only one significant dug battery embankment, and it is substantial, at least 15 feet in height. On the back side there is a lesser bank, about 5 feet in height. This ground burst was found in the rear embankment, which means it was a near miss. It burrowed into the ground and exploded. Most of the overshoots would easily clear the rear embankment, and land in the marsh behind the fort, this one did not. The frags burrowed about six feet into the ground, and all of these frags came out of that hole. There is about 75 pounds of frags, a complete Harding is around 50 pounds, there are at least three distinct bases found, so there are frags from at least three different shells. I have run the frags through electrolysis but not attempted to put them together. I can account for enough frags to round out the nose, and the base with the sabot is whole. Several of the pieces seem to fit the base and there is one small fragment that seems to join the top and the bottom. There are enough frags to make up more of the middle, but I have not attempted to complete the puzzle.

Research Center: Artillery4220-Harding, 7in.
Weapons used:
Confederate rifled 42 pounder gun, 7in. Caliber of the gun is 7.0in., 8 grooves, projectile diameter should measure 6.9in. approximately, variations will be found.
Rifled 42 pounder gun, 7in. Caliber of the gun is 7.0in., 15 grooves, projectile diameter should measure 6.9in. approximately, variations will be found.
Rifled 42 pounder gun, 7in. Caliber of the gun is 7.0in., 9 grooves, projectile diameter should measure 6.9in. approximately, variations will be found.

Research Center: Artillery4221-Harding
Rifled artillery projectile, Harding design, Confederate manufacture, bursting shell, Girardey wood percussion fuze, copper ring sabot, Confederate rifled 42 pounder, 7in.
Projectile is Confederate manufacture, apparently following the design of "Harding", although at this point we really do not know who this designer was. The Harding sabot is very similar to the Federal Parrott sabots, it is a copper ring cast onto the shell and secured by notches. Shells are short and appear to have been manufactured for use in 42 pounder smoothbores, reconditioned and banded with rifling. Bolt has smooth sides, pointed nose. Fuze employed was a wood sleeved Girardey percussion fuze, Jones pg. 66, usually only the wood sleeve is recovered. All recoveries have been from Charleston, South Carolina. Projectile measures: diameter 6.8in., length 11.4in., weight 57lbs.
Research Center: Artillery4221-Harding, Ref: Bell, Heavy Ordnance, pg. 231.
Details click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery4221-Harding.html.

This is the "Ridgeway Civil War Research Center", a research tool for educational purposes only, and is provided at no cost to the reader. Some of the relics listed are retained in the author's collection, most reside in other collections and are not owned by the author. None of the items listed in this section are for sale, please refer to relicman.com sales listings for items offered for sale. This is a work in progress, I list items as I get to them, there are many patterns that are not listed yet, this list will be regularly updated as I get pictures and descriptions for more items. I will also correct mistakes, so if you see any please tell me. All items listed are believed to be authentic to the Civil War or as otherwise described. This information is available for research purposes, pictures may be used by permission only.
All excavated artifacts have been recovered from private property with owner's permission.
All projectiles listed have been disarmed.

Most information on this page is from:
Field Artillery Projectiles of the American Civil War, 1993 Edition. by Thomas S. Dickey and Peter C. George.
Civil War Heavy Explosive Ordnance, A Guide to Large Artillery Prjectiles, Torpedoes, and Mines, by Jack Bell.
Artillery Fuses of the Civil War, by Charles H. Jones.
Pictures are by the author, unless otherwise indicated.

Ridgeway Civil War Research Center,
A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War.
Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html.

Research center, artillery, click: http://relicman.com/artillery/Artillery0000-Index.html.

and now a word from our sponsor.....

Civil War Relicman, Harry Ridgeway,
Civil War artillery, Relicman sales catalog.
Click here: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html.

Artillery for sale: http://relicman.com/artillery/RelicmanSalesArtillery1.html.