Ridgeway Civil War Research Center
A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War
Civil War Plates and Buckles

by Harry Ridgeway


Research Center: Plate2250-Militia-TwoPart-000 .

Details click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate2250-Militia-TwoPart-000.html

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2251-Militia-TwoPart-274 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 274.

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2251-Militia-TwoPart-276 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 276.

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2251-Militia-TwoPart-317 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 317.

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2251-Militia-TwoPart-321 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 321.

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2251-Militia-TwoPart-v11 .

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle, Artillery.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2252-Militia-TwoPart-275 .

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle, Artillery.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2252-Militia-TwoPart-309 .

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle, Infantry.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2253-Militia-TwoPart-302 .

Militia, two part waist belt plate, rectangular proportions, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2254-Militia-TwoPart-329 .

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2256-Militia-TwoPart-323 .

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2256-Militia-TwoPart-349-v1 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 349.

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2256-Militia-TwoPart-349-v2 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 349, similar style, variant not listed.

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2256-Militia-TwoPart-349-v3 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 349, similar style, variant not listed.

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2256-Militia-TwoPart-349-v4 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 349, similar style, variant not listed.

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2256-Militia-TwoPart-349-v5 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 349, similar style, variant not listed.

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2256-Militia-TwoPart-349-v6 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 349, similar style, variant not listed.

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2256-Militia-TwoPart-v11 .

Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle.
Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2256-Militia-TwoPart-v12 .


Militia, two part waist belt plate, eagle with shield. Design depicts eagle with shield holding arrows and olive branch, stars, and other patriotic symbolism. Plates were generally commercial products, issued to state and local militia units, not specified.
Research Center: Plate2257-Militia-TwoPart-351 . Reference: O'Donnell & Campbell, illustration 351.

Militia, two part plate, FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION

Research Center: Plate2269-Militia-TwoPart-000-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION .

Details click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate2269-Militia-TwoPart-000-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION.html

Militia, two part plate, FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION
Militia two part plate, Odonnell illustration 278 or 279
Research Center: Plate2269-Militia-TwoPart-278-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION .

Details click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate2269-Militia-TwoPart-278-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION.html

Militia, two part plate, FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION
Militia two part plate, Odonnell illustration 291
Research Center: Plate2269-Militia-TwoPart-291-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION .

Details click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate2269-Militia-TwoPart-291-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION.html

Militia, two part plate, FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION
Militia two part plate, Odonnell illustration 329
Research Center: Plate2269-Militia-TwoPart-329-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION .

Details click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate2269-Militia-TwoPart-329-FAKE-FANTASY-REPRODUCTION.html

This is the "Ridgeway Civil War Research Center", a research tool for educational purposes only, and is provided at no cost to the reader. Some of the relics listed are retained in the author's collection, most reside in other collections and are not owned by the author. None of the items listed in this section are for sale, please refer to relicman.com sales listings for items offered for sale. This is a work in progress, I list items as I get to them, there are many patterns that are not listed yet, this list will be regularly updated as I get pictures and descriptions for more items. I will also correct mistakes, so if you see any please tell me. All items listed are believed to be authentic to the Civil War or as otherwise described. Any excavated relics have been recovered from private property with owners permission.This information is available for research purposes, pictures may be used by permission only.

Most information on this page is from:
Plates and Buckles of the American Military 1795 - 1874, by Sydney C. Kerksis.
Confederate Belt Buckles & Plates, by Steve E Mullinax.
American Military Belt Plates, by Michael J. O'Donnell & J.Duncan Campbell.

Ridgeway Civil War Research Center,
A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War
Plates and buckles
Research center, plates, click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate0000-Index.html.

Research center, plates and buckles, click: http://relicman.com/plates/Plate0000-Index.html.

and now a word from our sponsor.....

Civil War Relicman, Harry Ridgeway,
Civil War plates and buckles, Relicman sales catalog.
Sale listings click: http://relicman.com/plates/Relicman-Sales-Plate0000.html.

Sale listings click: http://relicman.com/plates/Relicman-Sales-Plate0000.html.