Civil War Relicman Harry Ridgeway |
Winchester, Virginia
USA (changed hands 70 times in the Civil War!) authentic Civil War relics, bought and sold. |
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Civil War buttons, Relicman sales catalog. page 4 Sale listings page 1items to B2999, click: Sale listings page 2 items B3000 to B6999, click: Sale listings page 3 items B7000 to B7199, click: Sale listings page 4 this page, items B7200 to end, click: |
B7201... Federal infantry button, eagle with "I", eagle facing right, one part low convex, PLATED with stars rm, 19mm Albert GI79E1. Nondug button, silvered. For sale... $50. |
B7208... Georgia state button, state seal dome over three pillars, "WM. H. SMITH & CO / (dot) NEW - YORK (dot)" rmdc, (23.4mm). Button depicts the state seal of Georgia, a dome bearing "Constitution" supported by three pillars, "Wisdom", "Justice", and "Moderation", intended for Georgia units. Backmark: "WM. H. SMITH & CO / (dot) NEW - YORK (dot)" rmdc on a stippled field, Scovill manufactured 1840s or 1850s, (Smith.110.LargeCoat). Two part convex button, coat size. Dug button, gilded, shank missing. Recovered: not known. Reference: Albert GA1, Tice GA200A4. .. Dug button. Recovered: not determined. For sale... $275. |
B7211... South Carolina state button, palmetto tree and SC, "HORSTMANN & ALLIEN / (dot) NY (dot)" dm, (22.7mm). Button depicts the South Carolina state seal, the Palmetto tree with "SC", intended for South Carolina troops. The Latin word in the motto, "opibusque" is misspelled "opirusque", a die makers error. Backmark: "HORSTMANN & ALLIEN / (dot) NY (dot)" dm between two solid rings, inner ring of rays, Steele & Johnson produced ca 1860, (Horstmann.330LargeCoat). Two part convex button, coat size. Dug button silvered, shank missing. Recovered: not known. Reference: Albert SC14A, TiceSC258A1. Dug button. Recovered: not determined. For sale... $150. |
B7236... Confederate infantry button, block "I" on plain background with border, Confederate wartime manufacture, "E. M. L & C. / RICHMOND. VA." rmdc, (22.5mm). Button depicts simple block "I" on plain field with border, intended for Confederate infantry troops, southern wartime manufacture, a "local". Backmark: "E. M. L & C. / RICHMOND. VA." rmdc, attributed to E.M. Lewis, Richmond, Virginia, (Lewis.110). Two part convex button, coat size, crudely stamped and assembled. Dug button, with shank. Recovered: not known. Reference: Albert CS181A, Tice CSI240A1. .. Dug button. Recovered: not determined. For sale... $150. |
B7239... Virginia cadet button, Virginia Military Institute, low convex, die variant spear touching the bottom of the "D", "D. EVANS & CO. / ATTLEBORO" dm on a ribbon, (21mm). Button depicts state seal of Virginia, "CADET / VMI", Virginia Military Institute, Lexington Virginia, which played a major role in the Civil War. The famed "Stonewall" Jackson was an instructor there, many Confederate officers were trained, cadets participated directly in the famed battle of New Market, Virginia, and union General Hunter burned the institution in 1864. It was re-built and re-opened after the Civil War and is a highly respected academy known for its tradition. This die variant features the spear touching the bottom of the "D" and "V.M.I." is punctuated with three periods. Dating of this button is uncertain, D Evans took over production for R & W ROBINSON in the early 1850's and adopted the style of ribbon backmark previously employed by R & W Robinson, however few battlefield recoveries have been made of the Evans marked buttons. Backmark: "D. EVANS & CO. / ATTLEBORO" dm on a ribbon with flower, inscription runs counter clockwise, ca 1850's - 1860s, (Evans220) Two part low convex button, cadet coat size. Nondug buttons. Reference: Albert SU408, not listed, Tice VAS294D2. Nondug button. Six buttons in this group, all likely from the same jacket A7239.1.......Sold. A7239.2.......Sold. A7239.3........available ....$75. Four buttons available, all four $200. |
B7242... Confederate artillery button, stippled "A", English wartime manufacture, "H T & B / (star) MANCHESTER (star)" dm, (24mm). Button depicts stippled block "A", intended for Confederate artillery troops, manufactured in England and smuggled through the blockade. Backmark: "H T & B / (star) MANCHESTER (star)" dm on a very flat back, outer ring of dots, English manufacture, (Hammond200). Two part convex button, coat size, well made English manufacture, flat brass back has tendency to loosen and rotate. Dug button shank bent. Reference: Albert CS101A, Tice CSA200A1... Dug button. Recovered White Oak Mt, Ringgold Georgia by Herb Parton. Discovery was documented in Harris book page 194. For sale... $300. |
B7244... Maine button, north star surrounded by 20 stars, beveled star on plain field, one part flat, "R & W. ROBINSON / (dot) ATTLEBOROUGH (dot) / EXTRA / (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) RICH (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) " rm with four raised rings, (21.7mm). Button depicts the north star, symbolism prevalent for Maine until the 1830's but never officially adopted as the state seal, intended for Maine Militia units. This variant features a beveled star, on a plain field surrounded by 20 stars and a border. Backmark: "R & W. ROBINSON / (dot) ATTLEBOROUGH (dot) / EXTRA / (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) RICH (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) " rm with four raised rings, flat one part button, ca 1830's, (Robinson.530). One part flat button, coat size. Nondug button. Reference: Albert ME4, Tice ME100E1.. Nondug button. For sale... $100. |
B7255... Confederate officer button, eagle facing right with 11 stars on a lined field with border, English wartime manufacture, "EXTRA RICH / (dot) TREBLE GILT (dot)" dm, 24mm Nondug button. For sale... $225. |
B7261... Georgia button, state seal dome over three pillars, officer staff, "SCOVILL MF'G. CO. / WATERBURY." dm single inner ring of dots, 15mm This button is generally believed to have been manufactured after the Civil War, this is based on the fact that coat size staff buttons from Georgia bearing the Scovill mark all bear post war backmarks, therefore this matching cuff is likely to also be post war. However this backmark is commonly found on period staff buttons and is the only small size backmark used by Scovill on three part staff buttons that bears their name, so apparently Scovill started this mark around 1860 but continued to use it after the war. Nondug button, silvered, silvering is flaking For sale... $50. |
B7267... Virginia button, state seal Virtus slaying the tyrant with sword up, "CANFIELD & BROTHER / (star) BALTIMORE (star)", rmdc, 22.5mm Nondug button. For sale... $375. |
B7277... Federal artillery button, eagle with "A", "SCOVILL MF'G CO / (star) WATERBURY (star) " dm between rings of dots, 23mm Nondug button. For sale... $75. |
B7279... Rhode Island button, state seal anchor and Hope,"D. EVANS & CO / (star) ATTLEBORO (star) MASS (star)" dm, 23mm Nondug button. For sale... $75. |
B7283... Maine button, state seal husbandman and seaman with white pine, "SCOVILL MG CO / WATERBURY" dm small letters, inner solid ring, 22.2mm Nondug button. For sale... $125. |
B7284... Federal officer staff button, eagle with pointed shield, "R & W. ROBINSON / (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) MAKERS (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) / ATTLEBOROUGH / (star) MASS. (star)" dm, 21.7mm Nondug button. For sale... $75. |
B7292... South Carolina state button, palmetto tree, blank back with channel, 22.5mm Nondug button. For sale... $350. |
B7293... South Carolina button, state seal with palmetto tree, "SCOVILLS & CO / : WATERBURY :" rmdc, 22.6mm Nondug button, silvered. For sale... $300. |
B7295... Texas button, state seal, flat star on lined field, high convex officer staff, "SCHUYLER H & G. / NEW - YORK.", dm between rings of dots, 22.4mm. Button depicts depicts state seal of Texas, the lone star, intended for officers of Texas militia units. Backmark: "SCHUYLER H & G. / NEW - YORK.", dm between rings of dots, Scovill produced ca1860's, (Schuyler17). Three part officer staff button, coat size. Reference: Albert TX21, Tice TX232A2. .... Nondug button. For sale... $2,000. |
B7296... New York button, early state seal, eagle over a globe, lined background, outer rope border, inner oval flat border, flat one part, blank back, (22mm). Button depicts the state seal of New York, eagle over a globe, lined background, outer rope border, inner oval flat border, this style was prevalent in the 1830's and 1840's. Backmark: blank back, one part flat button manufactured before 1830's or 1840's, (Blank101). One part flat button, coat size. Nonddug button. Reference: Albert NY10, Tice NY100. ... Nondug buttonm, silvered. For sale... $50. |
B7299... General service or militia button, eagle facing right beside shield, lined field with 16 stars, rope outer border, wide oval inner flat border, one part flat, "BEST PLATED (in script) / LONDON" dm two inner rings, (22mm). utton depicts a patriotic eagle, and could be purchased by any militia units in the1830's and 1840's. This pattern features eagle facing right beside shield, lined field with 16 stars, rope outer border, wide oval inner flat border Backmark: "BEST PLATED (in script) / LONDON" dm two inner rings, flat one piece button, English producer 1820's or 1830's, (Best100). One part flat button, coat size. Nondug button, silvered. Reference: Albert GI61. Nondug button, silvered. For sale... $75. |
B7301... Vermont button, Artillery Vermont Militia, eagle over cannon, one part flat, "R & W. ROBINSON / (dot) ATTLEBOROUGH (dot) / EXTRA / (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) RICH (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) " rm with four raised rings, (21.8mm). Button depicts eagle over a cannon, with "ARTILLERY / Vt. MILITA", intended for Vermont artillery units of the 1830's. Backmark: "R & W. ROBINSON / (dot) ATTLEBOROUGH (dot) / EXTRA / (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) RICH (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) (star) (dot) " rm with four raised rings, flat one part button, ca 1830's, (Robinson.530). One part flat button, coat size. Nondug button. Reference: Albert VT6, Tice VT210A1. Nondug button. For sale... $200. |
B7311...Federal Dragoon button, eagle with D, Horstmann & Allien NY rmdc 22.9mm Dug button. Recovered: not determined. For sale... $125. |
B7312.... New Jersey button, state seal, ladies Liberty and Ceres with coat of arms, officer staff, "STEELE & JOHNSON / (dot)" rmdc on lined channel, (23mm). Button depicts state seal of New Jersey, figures of Liberty and Ceres with horse and plow, intended for officers of New Jersey units. Backmark:"STEELE & JOHNSON / (dot)" rmdc on lined channel,attributed to Steele & Johnson Manufacturing Co. 1850s, this is the earliest Steele & Johnson partnership before merger with Waterbury Jewelry Co, (Steele.100).Three part officer staff button, coat size. Nondug button. Reference: Albert NJ7, Tice NJ200B. Nondug button. For sale... $600. |
B7314.... New Jersey button, state seal, ladies Liberty and Ceres with coat of arms, officer staff, "WATERBURY JEWELRY CO. / (six pointed star)" dm, (23.4mm). Button depicts state seal of New Jersey, figures of Liberty and Ceres with horse and plow, intended for officers of New Jersey units. Backmark: "WATERBURY JEWELRY CO. / (six pointed star)" dm inner and outer solid ring, Waterbury Jewelry Company, ca 1851 to 1857 and was successor to the first Steele & Johnson partnership, (WaterburyJewelry.100). Three part officer staff button, coat size. Nondug button. Reference: Albert NJ7, Tice NJ200Uncl. Nondug button. For sale... $600. |
B7468.... Vermont button, state seal stag head over a shield, "EXTRA / (3 graphics of +) QUALITY (3graphics of +) " dm, (23.5mm). Button depicts Vermont seal prevalent in the 1850's and 1860's, a stag over a shield, intended for Vermont units. Backmark: "EXTRA / (3 graphics of +) QUALITY (3graphics of +) " dm, inner ring of dots, believed to be Waterbury Button Co, transitional backmark, (Extra.390.LargeCoat).Two part convex button, coat size. Nondug button. Reference: Albert VT9, Tice VT230F. Nondug button. Five buttons in this group all likely from the same jacket. B7468.01............Sold. B7468.02......available......$75. |
B7779... Confederate officer button, eagle facing right with upright wings, CS in shield, one piece low convex, Confederate wartime manufacture, (24.3mm) Button depicts eagle with wings in upright position, intended for Confederate officers, southern wartime manufacture, a "local". This die pattern features eagle facing right with 13 stars, "CS" in the shield, on a one piece convex design, was a likely copied from an 1830's patriotic design on a flat button, the die was poorly executed, and seldom is the detail sharp. Backmark: blank brass back, high convex one piece stamped button, weak impression of die face will appear on back, applied shank was spot brazed or soldered and will be weak or missing, (BlankSouthern220). One part convex button without back, coat size, applied shank, crude manufacture. Reference: Albert CS17, Tice CS233A1. Nondug button, top grade example of a very rare button. For sale... $10,000. |
B7780... North Carolina button, state seal ladies Ladies Liberty and Plenty, southern wartime manufacture, "S. A. MYERS / RICHMOND VA." rmdc, (22.5mm) Button depicts the seal of North Carolina, ladies Liberty and Plenty, intended for troops of North Carolina, southern wartime manufacture.This pattern was die struck, workmanship was very crude, small variations may be noted in manufacturing quality or die details as more than one die was likely used. Backmark: "S. A. MYERS / RICHMOND VA." rmdc, wartime manufacture attributed to S. A Myers, Richmond, Virginia, (Myers.100). Two part convex button, coat size, crudely stamped and assembled southern "local". Ref: Albert NC8, Tice NC210A. Nondug button, gilded, top grade. For sale... $650. |
B8542...Confederate infantry button, (two part button, large coat size, 22mm). Button was intended for Confederate infantry troops. Backmark: "S. ISAACS CAMPBELL & CO. / (dot) LONDON (dot) / 71. JERMYN. ST." dm outer ring of dots, inner solid ring, English import, probably made by Smith Kemp Wright. (CampbellSIsaacs110). Reference: Albert CS177A, Tice CSI215A2. Dug button, recovered not determined. For sale............$150. |
B8543...Confederate Cavalry button, script "C", English wartime manufacture,"S. ISAACS CAMPBELL & CO. / (dot) LONDON (dot)/ 71. JERMYN. ST." dm, (two part button, large coat size, 22mm). Button was intended for Confederate Cavalry troops. Backmark: "S. ISAACS CAMPBELL & CO. / (dot) LONDON (dot) / 71. JERMYN. ST." dm outer ring of dots, inner solid ring, English import, probably made by Smith Kemp Wright. (CampbellSIsaacs110). Reference: Albert CS130A, Tice CSC215A1. Dug button. Recovered not determined. For sale............$495. |
B8544...Confederate artillery button, block "A" on plain background with border, Confederate wartime manufacture, E M Lewis & Co Richmond Va, rmdc, (two part button, large coat size, 22mm). Button was intended for Confederate artillery troops. Backmark: "E. M. LEWIS & CO. / RICHMOND. VA." rmdc, attributed to E.M. Lewis, Richmond, Virginia, (LewisEM100). Reference: Albert CS116A, Tice CSA240A1. Dug button. Recovered not determined. For sale............$390. |
B8545...Federal infantry button, eagle with "I", (one part convex solid silver button, coat size, 21mm). Button was intended for infantry and depicts eagle with "I" in the shield, generally for officers. Backmark: "NEW. ORLEANS / J. DELARUE" rm script lettering, between two solid rings, a New Orleans jeweler 1811 to 1824, (DelarueJohn100). Reference: Albert GI51 to GI53. Nondug silver button. For sale............$1,200. |
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Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War Buttons Research center, buttons, click: Research center, buttons, click: |
Ridgeway Civil War Research Center, A virtual examination of artifacts of the American Civil War Button backmarks. Research center, button backmarks, click: Research center, button backmarks, click: |